Top 2 Platform to create blog website for free

Top 2 Platform to create blog website for free

If you are looking for passive income and if you love to write content from your ideas , then blogging can be your right place to start. Nowadays Blogging has become a very popular way to share your ideas and information to large audience who are interested to your ideas and content. But many of us don’t have money to start blog website. Don’t worry , In Today’s Topic , I will show you how you can start your journey without money by creating blog website for free.

There are various platform(websites) available online, where you can start your blog website for free , But I will talk about top 2 top platform/websites which I personally like also I will show you how you can setup in easiest way.

Blogger ( is a free online blogging platform which allows you to create and publish your blog for free. is a google product. It is completely Free. You can also choose your templates as per your requirement.

You don’t need any technical knowledge to create blog website with

As is free , it’s URL will be like , but if you want custom domain then you can buy a custom domain and integrate it with it so your blog website will be like

Now we will understand to setup step by step.

Step 1: Create your google account if you don’t have any yet.

Step 2: Visit

Step 3: Click on Create Blog as shown in screenshot

create blog

Step 4 : Logging to your Google account

Step 5 : Enter Blog Title and Click on Next as shown in screenshot

Step 6: Enter Blog address and Click Next , as shown in screenshot

Here blog address will be unique for each blogger , if you will provide blog address which is already taken by someone , then it will give you error as below

blog address already exist error

Step 6 : Now Final step is to confirm your blog name and click on Finish, See below


It will take 5-10 seconds to finish your blog creation. After that you will be redirect to blogger dashboard as shown below

blogger dashboard

Now you can create your New Post by click on New Post which you can see in left side menu.

You will see screen like below.

create new blog post

You can enter your blog title , and description and then you can publish by clicking on publish button.

That’s it here you go with your blogging website and you can view your blog website using url like

Now if you want to integrate custom domain then follow below steps

Step 1 : Buy a good domain name which match your blog website.

You can buy domain name either from or

Step 1: Click on Settings from Left Menu , as shown picture below


Now you will see custom domain option in publishing section as shown below screenshot


Now Click on custom domain and you will see screenshot below so enter your domain name.


Now if you will click on Save then you will see error as below


It means you haven’t setup DNS in your domain yet. So to do that you need to setup DNS as per their guidelines , I have bought my domain from so will show you how you can setup DNS for your domain , so if you have bought or planning to buy domain from so u can follow same steps.

Step 1: Login to your

Step 2 : You can see your domains in dashboard as below


Click on Manage button you will see below


Click on DNS / Nameservers menu


Now click on Edit Link and change your CNAME to as shown below


You will see update as below


Now for another CNAME , It will be specific to your blog so take it as below


Now go to your and select CNAME from dropdown as below


Now enter name and target and click on Add Records , See below Screenshot


Now It will display CNAME as below


Now go to your custom domain setup and click on Save, If it is not throwing any error means your domain DNS is setup properly.

Now you need to give it atleast 1 hour to propagation. after that when you will open your domain from browser it will open your blogger website.

After propagation when you visit your domain then you can see result like this


There are many things / customization you can do with which we will understand in our next topic.

WordPress (

Second Top Online Free blogging tool after is is known for it’s wide range of customization options and flexibility it provides users to create blog website. comes with free and paid plans. But as a start you can choose free plan as it offers 1 GB Storage. But negative side with free plan that you cannot integrate custom domain with

Now we will understand how you can setup blog on

Step 1: visit and click on Get Started

Now Here either you can create manualy or you can use social login like gmail or apple login

Now you need to enter blog address as below

create blog website for free-with-wordpress-step-2

So you can see when we enter createswowtech so it gives us option either custom domain or subdomain if you choose to buy custom domain then you have to pay wordpress annual fee. So for now we will go with free plan which is subdomain as shown above in arrow

create blog website for free-with-wordpress-step-3

Here you can select Free plan

Then u can click on Skip to Dashboard link

You can see admin like below

create blog website for free-with-wordpress-step-4

Now you can create category , post etc.

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